Psalm 22: Finding Strength to Endure!
Have you ever been in a season in your life where you felt so alone, so desperate, you asked the question, "Where's God right now?" You know, David felt the same thing. In Psalm 22 he cries out, "My, God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" David wrote it, Jesus quoted it from the cross, and you and I experience it as well: those times in life where we wonder, "Where are you God?" Whether it's a financial difficulty, an illness, or a marriage or family in crisis, we've all had dark days of the soul where we've asked, "Where's the deliverance, where's the relief, where are you God?" In part two of this series on the Psalms, pastor Mike Fritscher examines Psalm 22, where David gives us six ways to respond in the midst of a struggle!
Want to know the secret to finding strength to endure any difficulty?